
Sm:The Siblings, the Primes and The Stars pt 1

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Literature Text

At 5 in the morning at Tokyo,Shingo Tsukino aka "Syberman" and Xenon aka Diend Magnus are patrolling  around the area of japan and the computer world for hours, searching for villains, viruses or Genicon, even Megatron.But, there's no one's there. The city has been cleared ever since the final battle of Nova and the legions of the Nemesis and  Both Mechatron and Usagi’s futures are no more and the universe  finally became peace once more. The Squads and Senshi are about to celebrate by going on a vacation, but both primes have a idea of their own.

Syberman:As he patrol in the computer world.” Prime to control,The city and the computer world are 100% crime free. What is your status?"

Diend Magnus: in his truck mode"Not a single con in disguise everywhere, want to head back to base ?"

Syberman:"I'm right behind you, just one more hour to portal the area.

Diend Magnus:" Copy that over. See you at the base."

Syber Mars:"Base to boss, I guesting the cons are taking a very long vacation , just like we go for 3 weeks in Bahama beach meaning 24/7 hours of sleep, all you can eat buffet and best of all. We don't see Megatron's ugly mug. Too bad you bosses can't join us."

Syberman:"Don't worry, Mars. Magnus and I got plans of our own. You guys have fun weeks off. You all deserve it .”

Syber Mars:" Yes sir, Boss!"

Syber BBV:" Come on, dudes, the plane leaving in 1 hour!"

Syber Mars:” Crud! we gotta get going ! See ya Boss! we"ll bring you back the good stuffs !

Syberman: "Ok,  Syberman out."

- Flashback-

Few days ago,Shingo visit his father ,Kenji at his work by going to the computer world and enter his laptop at his lunchtime.He want to know that Usagi is alright after war with Nova.

Shingo: “ Is Usgai is alright today ?

Kenji:” I don’t know. She was feel ok before the invasion, now your mother and I are afraid our sister fell worst since you’re…

Shingo:” Yeah I know…”

Shingo remember the day the collage lab explosion and everyone believe he is dead causing Usagi lost her soul and her heart ultimately broken. She was not the girl that she use to anymore, she as dead to her.When everyday happens, her friend tried to stop her from comment a suicide . Most the doctors try to help her to get her better including her friends, but failed. She locked herself in her room most of her time and never come out of her house. Shingo leaves no any choice that what he will pull next…

Shingo:” Dad, it’s time I want to see her. For real this time.”

Kenji:” Are you sure ?”

Shingo:” Yes, the reason why because when I was with her as Syberman, I cause her to being  herself again. I been in the shadows too long enough, now it’s time to come out. Don’t tell her, it will be a surprise. ”

Kenji: began to cry happily :” Wait tell I til your mother what you said. We proud of you.”

Shingo :” On this day forward, Usagi will know that Shingo Tsukino has return once more.”

-End Flashback- 

An hour later,Syberman return to base, he transform to human form, Shingo, along with Xenon. They pack their clothes and stuffs. At 11 am, they roll to one place where they want to go, The Tsukino Residence. 

Xenon:"So this is you home ? Nice place you got there."

Shingo: "Yeah,Home Sweet home."

Xenon:" Bro, are you sure about this? I mean..... your folks know your alive, but what about your..”

Shingo: " Don't worry about it. Besides, Usagi's heart is almost shatters into pieces because I'm "dead". I don't want her to see her cry all day and  night."

He knock on the door.

Usagi:"I'm coming." As open the door, she begin to shock and shiver to see who it is

Shingo:"Hey sis. Long time no see."

Usagi:  as she begin to tear"Sh...Shin..Shingo ? is that really you ? but I thought you are......" she leaning to him as she still sobbing 

Shingo:"Dead? Nah! I'm still alive from the wreckage of the lab and they think I'm dead ? This is my buddy, Xenon."

Xenon: held a handkerchief  from his hand for Usagi" It's an honor to meet you."

Usagi:" Thank You

The trio walks in the house and close the door. Shingo take Xenon to his his old room, she they got there ,they saw Luna ,Tiny Little and Chibi Chibi on his old bed.

Xenon: "Hello Luna! Tiny! Chibi Chibi!" As he give the kids a hug

 Shingo " Thanks for keeping out my room for me!"

Luna: "I thought you went to Bahamas with the guys ?


Shingo:" Bahama is he place for the our squads, they deserve it . We are here to spend time for you guys."

Xenon:" Holding Tiny little and Chibi Chibi "The reason why stay with him I also spend some time with them as well, I feel like I been a part of his family and … nuzzle the kids " See my favorite Guys in the world."

Chibi Chibi:" Chiiiii"

Shingo: " So Where is her friends anyway?" as he put his stuff down.

Luna:" Guess ?"

Shingo:" The went to Bahamas?"

Luna:" Well, Rei won four tickets and then Haruka  also another four."

Xenon:" Wow…"

Shingo:" Well at least there 6 of us and we will have some fun  for three weeks." 

All them agreed. then they went down stares to the living room and they see Usagi was sitting in the couch, shaking that her brother was alive.

Shingo:" Are you all right ,Sis?

Usagi: "Yes. Shingo, how did you……….  ?"

Xenon as he steps in:" Let me explain ma'am. (cough through his throat) "When Shingo was badly hurt during the lab accident , I was here to rescue him along with my friends. Few months later, we aid him well until he get back on his feet. Not just after we knew that he's K.I.A."

Usagi:" K.I.A?"

Shingo:" Is means killed in action."

Usagi:" Well, thank you for taking care of Shingo. I really mean it"

Xenon:” ummmm. Is an honor…. ma'am"

Shingo:So, Mom and Dad are here?

Usagi:"They're left already before I woke up, but they left you a letter.”

she give Shingo a letter  and he went to the kitchen to read it,

"Dear Shingo. 

 We have gone to Cuba for a month.

When you're here at the house, please take good care of your sister, she don't like to being lonely while her friends are gone for the trip, 

Here some money so you go to the movie and grab something to eat. Have fun and please be carful."

Love, Mom and Dad 

Shingo: "Careful is my middle name."

Shingo see the money under the cookie jar and cheek how much it was, it's $ 200.00, He use his power to create more money. 

Shingo: " So, you wanna go to the movies ? I'm buying." :D

Usagi: "Okay." with a little smile.

At the afternoon, as the gang left the the house, Xenon activate the force-field around the house so no one comes in and also take Luna along. At the theater ,the people was crowded of people fighting for to get in, all the movie were sold out, except the america movie called "Great Gatsby", Shingo bought the tickets as Xenon Bought the snacks. The Gang(plus Luna that Xenon hid her in his jacket watch the movie. It remaining Xenon that the character, Jay Gatsby as Shingo, and Usagi as Daisy because they never seen each other for a long time until now. And even Luna agrees with him because it's been 4 months since Shingo is "dead" causing Usagi's heart to crumble. Her friends try to cheer her up but nothing work until her brother was Syber, it made her fell better, then they saw Shingo holds hands with sister to make calm her down. 

After the movie is over.The gang went to the mall to go shopping , As they at Macy looking for new clothes, but all the sudden,the primes heard a loud boom outside of the mall, then  they saw bunch of people running from someone or something.The Primes analyze by using their  x-ray and identify the intruders. They saw a group of alien teenagers causing rampage though the mall.The military arrive to stop the invaders with their weapons, but  they're aren't effect against him. A  large alien left a tank and throw at them, then other one use super seed to take all their weapons from the humans, force them to retreat.                                                    

Xenon: Using telepath to Shingo  " Genicons ?"

Shingo:" No, I recognizes them, it is my former "teammates", Starmen. A galactic war criminals disguise as humans that pretend to universe's mightiest heroes so that way they can use this planet as their nest. When I discover the truth who they  really are and show to the world their identifies and their plans.I sabotage their plans ,destroyed their offsprings and lore them to the icy wasteland.Somehow, they must freed themselves from their ice prison."

Xenon:" Well then, maybe it's time to give them a happy reunion. Primes style "

Shingo:" No wait ! WE don't want them see Usagi, I don't want her to get in danger.Now think, what place to hide for her ?"

As two young men find to place to hide, Xenon saw a perfect place to hide.

Shingo: "Usagi,Please come with me !

Shingo grab his sister's hand and made a run for it. Xenon carries Chibi Chibi, Tiny Little and Luna and follow him. As they make it to JcPenny's, then make it the fitting room.

Usagi:"Shingo, what's going on here? "

Shingo: "Listen to me, I want you to stay here with Luna and the kids and what ever you do, don't go out. I don't want you get hurt from these guys, they're dangerous. If they come this way, run fast as you and hide somewhere. Xenon and I gonna get some help. And I love you" He gave his sister a hug and a kiss at the cheeks and ran off with Xenon.

Usagi want to say something, but to late, Shingo  and Xenon are already left she felt more worried that her brother won't get hurt, so she try to get out, but Luna stop her by biting her sock and pull her.

Usagi" What are you doing !?"

Luna:" You heard Your brother say. They are dangerous ! They will kill you  if you face them alone !

Usagi:" And let these guys died by the hand of these monsters! I DON"T WANT TO LOSE SHINGO!!"

She burst out the fitting room, get out to the store and run after Shingo and Xenon. Luna and the kids are follow her as well. The Primes are looking around the mall for aliens and until they spotted them at the food court.They using the mall as their nest to make new new offsprings.

Xenon as his arm transforms into his robotic form:" Are you ready?"

Shingo also his arm transforms into his robotic form as well :" Yes.The Starmen must be stopped . No matter the cause."

The Primes are  getting ready to transform.  Meanwhile ,Usagi,Luna,Chibi Chibi and Tiny Little are looking for The boys, but when Usagi found him, She heard one word of her brother.

Shingo and Xenon:" HENSHIN !!!!!!"

Two ordinary boys are now transform into  indestructible alien-robots. Shingo transforms into Syberman, Prime of Moon, then he change into his RPM mode and Xenon transforms into truck transformer, Diend Magnus, Prime of Earth.

Syberman:" Let's roll" 

They change into vehicle modes and approach where  Syber's former teammates are. Usagi  saw anything. The girl saw her brother's true color that bring not only surprised but silence and also bring sorrow to her.Then seconds later, she was knees down  helpless and left few tears on the ground. Luna and the kids felt  sad that she found out the truth.

Luna:" Usagi….."

Usagi (since tears at close up): All this time. That my brother is......... Why? (silence)

At the food court, the ruthless Starmen marked  as their territory. One of them with the armor plated suit with a cape, Captain Star along with his beloved mate, Star Women, stand side by side they will make their offspring again after Syberman destroyed them. The big guy, Bulkman and the fastest man, Streak are carrying the food for them and the hatchlings. PsyBrain, with her psychic ability sense  the  their offsprings including her own. And The Star Octuplets  were taking cloth for their the kids.  One of the Octuplets holding camera that they stolen from the news crew, then they gonna film at Captain Star live in worldwide. Usagi and the Others are watching as Captain Star made his speech.

Captain Star:" Citizens of Earth.  You have known us as your heroes, the Starmen, do you think you have seen the last of us? We afraid not! Now that we are return with our new offspings and we want not only to taking over your planet, but  we also want our revenge on you and the traitor known as Syberman….”

The speech was interrupted as RPM Syberman and Diend Magnus comes from behind Captain Star. RPM Syberman transform and send the captain flying by kicking him, but Star Woman caught him. Magnus transforms and gave an uppercut at one of the octuplet , then grab the camera and smash it.

Syberman: Change into normal form: “ You rang?”

Diend Magnus:” Sorry, but your show has been cancelled .”

Star Woman: Angrily at Syberman ”YOU!!!!!!!!”

Streak:" Well,well,well. If it  ain't our former member of our team who put us on ice and he brought a friend to play with. How nice”!

Diend Magnus:As he draw his energon machete ” The name’s Diend Magnus. If you want this planet, you have to go through me first .”

Syberman:" And me. By the way, how long was it when I put you guys on ice?

Bulkman: Angry “To long.”

Syberman:" Oh yeah! Thanks for the memories”. Syber gave the big brute punch him right through his chin causing him fly into  the dress department. Diend Magnus step beside Syber as they’re  ready for battle.” 50 /50 ?”

Diend Magnus “ 50 /50.”


Both of the bots agree and begin to attack, Syberman will take on Captain Star, Star Woman ,PsyBrian and Streak and D. Magnus will take on  Bulkman and The Star Octuplets and Bulkman. Syberman use the blasters at the them, but Psybrain use forcefield to block, Streak launch a mean punch on the moon bot , but Syber pull a mean closesline  on the speed demon and begins to tackle both Captain Star and Star Woman to the nest with full force force. Diend Magnus begins to Octuplets, he grab one of them by his leg and use him as a baseball bat. Two of the other try to attack him, but Magnus swing them away .

Diend Magnus :” Strike One “ !

The rest of them use the teleport to behind him, Magnus swung them again .

Diend Magnus:” Strike Two !”

And then the large Bulkman finally got up after Syberman punched him and began to charge go Magnus, but failed as Diend dodge the attack and made a mean swing to knock him out cold.

Diend Magnus:”  Strike three ! You’re out!”

At the nest, Syber push both Captain Star and Star Woman like a tackling dummies, all the way to the back wall and then he use  Pulse ray to blast Star Woman, then slam the captain  to the ground and then stomp  the alien’s hand. Syber look that the area is covered with billions of eggs, each of them filled with 12 infants and about ready to hatch.

Syberman:” By the stars….. You’re planning a full invasion !”

Captain Star: “ That’s right ! When we broke free from the icy prison, we were finding place for recovering from you. After we fully restore, we began to reproduce our eggs and when they’re hatched, human race will fall  then you and your friend and then we will rule the stars beyond stars! WE ARE THE FUTURE OF THIS UNIVERSE !!!”

Syberman:” No ! he pull his Ion blaster and  pointing at Captain Star’s face” You and kind are nothing but parasites on this planet to me. I stop everyone and everything who try to rule the universe from far and time. Lifeforms will never fall in your hand as long I was there, Your time is over.”

Before he could pull a trigger, a mysterious person came out of nowhere and attack Syberman by pushing him from away from Captain Star and give him a  mean punch at him , sending the bot flying out of the nest where Diend Magnus is fighting the rest of the  Starmen. Lucky, Syber regain is balance and  land on the ground. Magnus run  towards his prime brother if see he’s alright.

Died Magnus: “ Syberman !  Are you ok? Till me what is……” He stop and saw what is coming out of the nest” By the Forerunners.”

Both of the primes draw both of their blasters as they prepared the what's coming and they're right. Came out of the nest, a legion of an humanoid alien infants turn out to the children of their foes. Some of the  hatchling help their parents  with a quickly recover after Magnus beat them down, then they around the primes like a swarm of angry wasp ready to attacks their foes.  Syberman and Magnus  were  surrounded by the little monsters, there were no escape except as they back to back to each other, then they saw Captain Star and Star Woman as she carrying  their child. Syberman is really ticked.

Captain Star:" You see, Syberman! Today, we are now the dominant species  and top of the food chain! Today this planet, tomorrow the whole darn Universe  will be ours !!"

Both Syber and Magnus are still ticked as they face  their galactic foes that now dangerous then the foes they face in the past, The Genicons, Viruses, Nemesis Armada, Galaxidork and Nova.  Usagi and others watch as the heroes are deep trouble  that they are about the slagged by their alien nemesis.

Usagi: "Shingo......" as she to hear a big sound, Bang !

To be continued ..............

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TheStellarSage's avatar
Could this story be a dark crossover?